Export any view to Excel(匯出任意NOTES的視界資料至EXCEL檔)
Sub Initialize
Dim Session As New NotesSession ,db As NotesDatabase
Dim sourceview As NotesView,sourcedoc As NotesDocument
Dim dataview As NotesView, dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim datadoc As NotesDocument, maxcols As Integer
Dim WS As New Notesuiworkspace
Dim ViewString As String, Scope As String, GetField As Variant
Dim C As NotesViewColumn, FieldName As String, K As Integer,N As Integer
Dim xlApp As Variant, xlsheet As Variant, rows As Integer, cols As Integer
Dim nitem As NotesItem , entry As NotesViewEntry, vwNav As NotesViewNavigator
Dim ShowView() As Variant, i As Integer, VList As Variant, ColVals As Variant
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 'link to current database
'fetch then display a list of views in the database
Vlist= db.views
K=Ubound(Vlist) 'get size of list
Redim Preserve ShowView(K)
For i = 0 To K
If Len(Vlist(i).Name) >0 Then
If Mid(Fieldname,1,1) <>"(" Then 'do not show hidden views
ShowView(N) = FieldName
End If
End If
Next i
Redim Preserve ShowView(N)
'now sort the list - by default views are listing in the order that they were created
For i=0 To N
For K=i To N
If ShowView(i) > ShowView(k) Then
ShowView(i) = ShowView(k)
End If
Next k
Next i
viewstring= ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST,"List of Views","Choose a View","",ShowView )
If Len(viewstring)=0 Then Exit Sub
'ViewString ="Dan's View"
Set dataview = db.getview(ViewString) 'get selected view
Set vwnav= dataview.createViewnav()
rows = 1
cols = 1
maxcols=dataview.ColumnCount 'how many columns?
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'start Excel with OLE Automation
xlApp.StatusBar = "Creating WorkSheet. Please be patient..."
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.ReferenceStyle = 2
Set xlsheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) 'select first worksheet
'worksheet title
xlsheet.Cells(rows,cols).Value =
"View: " + ViewString + ", from Database: " + db.title +", Extract created on: " + Format(Now,"mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM")
xlApp.StatusBar = "Creating Column Heading. Please be patient..."
rows=2 'column headings starts in row 2
For K=1 To maxcols
Set c=dataview.columns(K-1)
xlsheet.Cells(rows,cols).Value = c.title
cols = cols + 1
Next K
Set entry=vwnav.GetFirstDocument
rows=3 'data starts in third row
Do While Not (entry Is Nothing)
For cols=1 To maxcols
colvals=entry.ColumnValues(cols-1) 'subscript =0
Select Case scope
xlsheet.Cells(rows,cols).Value ="'" + colvals
Case Else
xlsheet.Cells(rows,cols).Value = colvals
End Select
Next cols
xlApp.StatusBar = "Importing Notes Data - Document " & rows-1 '& " of " & dc.count & "."
Set entry = vwnav.getnextdocument(entry)
xlApp.Selection.Font.Bold = True
xlApp.Selection.Font.Underline = True
xlApp.Range(xlsheet.Cells(2,1), xlsheet.Cells(rows,maxcols)).Select
xlApp.Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
xlApp.Selection.Font.Size = 9
With xlApp.Worksheets(1)
PageSetup.Orientation = 2
PageSetup.centerheader = "Report - Confidential"
Pagesetup.RightFooter = "Page &P" & Chr$(13) & "Date: &D"
Pagesetup.CenterFooter = ""
End With
xlApp.ReferenceStyle = 1
xlApp.StatusBar = "Importing Data from Lotus Notes Application was Completed."
'xlapp.ActiveWorkbook.saveas "c:VX" + Trim(Format(Now,"yyy")) 'save with generated name
Set xlapp=Nothing 'stop OLE
Set db=Nothing
End Sub